Published on February 24, 2005 By melikay In Misc
In class yesterday, we discussed time management. This is a problem that I face everyday! I always feel like there is so much that I am not accomplishing. Since I am a full time student and almost a full time worker (about 30-35 hours a week), it makes it hard to get everything done. I have learned to delegate some chores around the house to my husband so I have more time to study for my classes. It is somewhat difficult for me to have his help because he does some of the chores differently than I do. I have learned to accept his work and just move on in life. I am greatful for his help and should not criticize him for helping out around the apartment.
I realized today that I need to organize my tasks on an order of priority. I usually just do things in the order that I think about them. I will have to work hard to apply this to my life. I liked what my professor said in class yesterday, "It's not managing your time, it's mangaing your priorities." It is hard to manage your tasks in the order of importance, usually I just think about how much time I have and not how much I have to do. If I was to put my tasks in order of importance, I feel that I would be a lot more successful in accomplishing these tasks.
Another topic of class was procrastination. I really have a hard time with this issue. I have always pushed things off until the last minute. I am going to take some of my professors advice and start writting things down so that I will remember to do them. I am also going to try to get things done sooner than I have before. I hate doing homework right before it is due, so I will have to prioritize and do the most important tasks first.

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