Published on February 9, 2005 By melikay In Personal Relationships
I had an interesting week about leadership and all the opportunities that come with it. I had the opportunity to host the Midwest Career Conference at Purdue University and learned a lot! I learned a lot from the speaker at the conference. Although he may be hard on us, I have a feeling that I will really like him and learn a lot from this class. The speaker had an interesting way of showing us leaders, but it was extremely helpful and memorable. He showed a lot of commercials and clips that illustrate his main points. I feel that this is one of the most valuable ways to learn. I am learning a lot about leadership and hope to continue learning throughout the semester. I went into the conference not knowing what exactly I would like to do after I graduate, but I ended up getting 3 interviews! I went to all three and used this as an experience. I am currently working for a company and hope to get the internship through them. I went to the other interviews for the experience. I am glad I had the opportunity to attend the conference and meet such helpful people.
In class we were challenged to make a tower. Our team leader was not very helpful in this task. She only brought popsicle sticks and little things. The other problem we had was that only half of our group was in attendance for the class. It makes it hard to work with your team if they are not there.

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