Published on February 3, 2005 By melikay In Misc
This week in class we challenged the people who wanted to take the leadership roles in the class. The two tests they had to pass seemed silly at the time, but they were illustrating a point. The first test was used to see how the person represented him/herself. They were asked the question "Why should I follow you?" and given 30 seconds to answer. Most of the people didn't even tell us their name! Why should we want someone to lead our class if they can't even introduce themself to the class?? I found it very interesting to hear what some of the people had to say. Only the students with compelling answers stood out in my mind. The next task required them to work together on a task. Some of the leaders really stood out in this exercise. I could tell by watching them who I would like to work with for the remainder of the semester. Most of the students seemed to do a good job of presenting themself.
The next class we discussed leadership selection. This really made me think about what is coming up in my life. I am graduating next May and I have a difficult time trying to stand out above the croud. I have been in the middle of the crowd most of my life, so I got used to being just like everyone else. It also made me think about what qualities I have that I can elaborate on to make me stand out to the potential employer. I usually make a good first impression, but it takes more than that to get a great job. When you ask the question "Why should I select you?" it makes you think about how you can stand out from the crowd. I really need to work on this for the benefit of my future.

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