Published on January 19, 2005 By melikay In Welcome
The first week of class was extremely confusing. The teacher didn't even show up for the first class. Then the second day, he just sat in the back of the classroom and told us that we were avoiding the assignment. I was really confused on what we were supposed to be doing. I was a little upset that we were in a leadership class and the teacher wasn't leading us. I didn't know what to expect considering the first two class periods.
on Jan 20, 2005
Leadership class you say? Sounds to me like the teacher is testing you all to see who has the makings to be a leader and lead the class. If someone hasn't already, ask the teacher what he wants, what assignment it is your avoiding and what not. If that was already asked with little effect, take charge of the class yourself. After all, what's the worse that can happen? You fail? If no one teaches that's a given anyways